Aluminium frame for Targa roof
Porsche 911 - 1986-1993
Horn grille, right
Porsche 356 - 1960-1965
Metal bracket for jack
Porsche 356 - 1950-1965
Gas spring for bonnet
Porsche 911 - 1974-1989
Bottom plate for door, right
Porsche 356 - 1950-1965
Box wall in trunk
Porsche 911 - 1970-1983
Porsche 911/912 - 1965-1969
Cover for battery wall section
Porsche 356 - 1950-1965
Pedal floor board
Porsche 356 - 1950-1965
Wing beading, 6.5 mm
Porsche 911 - 1974-1994
Inner front wing splash piece, right
Porsche 911 - 1970-1989
Porsche 911/912 - 1965-1969
Engine hood, rear, with louvres
Porsche 356 - 1960-1965
Rubber stop for bonnet/tailgate
all models
Rubber gasket for horn grille
Porsche 356 - 1950-1959
Strainer for ventilation
Porsche 356 - 1960-1965
Hinge for bonnet, left
Porsche 911 - 1970-1983
Porsche 911/912 - 1965-1969
Door hinge pillar, left
Porsche 911 - 1970-1973
Porsche 911/912 - 1965-1969
Body front section
Porsche 911 - 1968-1973
Blower motor for heater
Porsche Cayenne - 2003-2006
Rubber gasket for door mirror, right
Porsche 911 - 1974-1994
Sealing frame, rear side window, left
Porsche 911 - 1970-1977
Porsche 911/912 - 1965-1969
Roof without sunroof, complete
Porsche 911 - 1970-1989
Porsche 911/912 - 1965-1969
Rear bumper corner, right
Porsche 911 - 1970-1973
Porsche 911/912 - 1965-1969
Bumper with hole for fog light, front
Porsche 911 - 1970-1973
Porsche 911/912 - 1965-1969